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Capacity Building Workshop
"Sign Language" for the staff of governmental institutions

Persons with hearing disabilities suffer from communication obstacles, specifically within their work environment. Hanns Seidel Foundation and the National Council for Persons with Disabilities organized a series of sign language training workshops titled “Communicating with Persons with Disabilities” for employees of various governmental institutions to help them communicate with persons with hearing disabilities within their job scope.


There is a lack of know-how among civil servants on how to deal with Persons with Disabilities, especially persons with hearing disabilities, in every day work encounters. Sign-language workshops were organized for the employees of the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Social Solidarity,  and the General Authority of Healthcare. Basic and advanced levels tackled general signs and signs related to the job description. The training contributed to a better understanding of the situation of persons with hearing disabilities in Egypt and the problems they face. It also raised the capacities of participants regarding sign language, to be able to better help persons with hearing disabilities within their jobs.